
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Tim Hortons came out with oatmeal in Maple Brown and Mixed Berry. Trust me stick with Maple Brown Mixed berry tastes like a sour asshole and yes I would know damn well what that tastes like I am one after all. So after work I had a routine of getting a beautiful bowl of warm maple flavored bowl of goodness for like $3.00. time goes by and I stop getting the oatmeal because why buy it every damn day when I can wait and get some at home. Later I find out that I have two different kinds of Quaker Oatmeal one cinnamon and one maple brown sugar AWESOME! just my luck I go to grab the brown sugar box and I notice to my dismay this box.

Are you fucking kidding me people? who the fuck makes a more healthy Oatmeal.. ITS OATMEAL AND HOT WATER! how the fuck do you make that any more healthy and by healthy I don't mean less fat or calories I mean now it tastes like fucking ass and you can taste the chemicals or additives of some sort. if you cant read the fine yellow print it says Specially formulated to fill you up... How dumb are these people on diets and shit, Its fucking oatmeal you stupid sons of bitches!! It's gunna fill you up because it turns directly after you eat it into a heavy log of shit even in your stomach and it weighs like 5  pounds. I dare you to buy the old classic Maple Brown Sugar oatmeal and try this stuff and you will soon realize why I am so angry.

 You see oatmeal for me has a special place in my heart. when I eat the right flavor of oatmeal it brings me back to the age of 3 or 4 when I was at my Grandmothers house and I would be sitting at the kitchen table while she stood in her robe making a pot of grandma style oatmeal which by the way is probably the same way you and I make it but some how its better if your grandma makes it. I mean Milk came in a fucking bag, I shit you not people I opened her fridge and she had a BAG of fucking milk in a jug thing, and it tasted so fucking good. Its a memory that I love to treasure and this altered for no fucking reason cardboard shit meal as I call it has spit on that memory. I find it insane we are making originally healthy good for you food more healthy and good for you. You wanna make a breakfast sausage egg and cheese sandwich more healthy and taste like ass feel free cuz I agree things like that are pretty unhealthy but leave oatmeal alone ya fucking yokels

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wifi is killing our children...*Twitch Twitch*

MOTHER FU..... my therapist says I need to calm down more before I have violent outbursts and go columbine on people around me. I need a smoke I will be right back.

  Ok so WiFi has been around since the mid 1990's I do believe with the increasing demand to broadcast internet to more and more technologic devices that could access the internet. Now in schools in Ontario and eastern Canada seem to think it is causing kids to have headaches, skin rashes, tumors, and other brain problems. Is it me or are parents getting dumber and fucking dumber? they blame every god damn thing in the world for their kids ADHD or ADD or Autism but god forbid it be their own fucking fault. Parents have lobbied to ban Violent video games such a Grand Theft Auto from stores because their kids are building bombs and buying guns. MAYBE IF YOU GOT OFF YOUR ASS and raised your fucking kids shit like that wouldn't happen. I couldn't build a bomb at my house, my dad would smell the fumes and knock on my door and ask what the fuck I was doing. The second I said this is my personal space you cant come in he would rip off my fucking door and beat my ass cuz it's his house that he pays for not me.

   back to the issue at hand. These parents feel it is the WiFi routers that are making their kids sick and or having concentration problems.... ok ok ok I will give you the concentration problems not because its affecting their brains directly but simply because KIDS WITH SMARTPHONE ARE WATCHING PORN ALL FUCKING DAY IN CLASS YOU DUMB FUCK!. holy fucking hell, more than half these kids that are said to be affected negatively by WiFi probably have a wireless router on their god damn house computers and by some form of magic oh! they arnt affected negatively by it. good christ use your god damn fucking brain cells people. Even for the extreme parents that say oh this is horrible and I don't want my daughter in a school with such dangerous microwaves going into her brain take a step back and think for one god damn second. even if you pull your kid out of school and keep them in a home with no WiFi YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD HAS WiFi AND YOUR ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD HAS IT TO I guarantee that I can walk into your fuck ugly house with my Iphone and pick up at least 2 other WiFi signals you fuck heads. not to mention your kid has a cell phone undoubtedly and sends on average 2300 texts in a month if not a fuck load more. Ever have your phone near speakers when you send or receive a text you hear that fucked up interference? THATS RADIO WAVES!!! the entire globe is full of GPS microwave radiation cell towers, satellite signals, oh and not to mention 3G!!! stupid which is pretty much all over the god damn country. I do not have an answer to why your kids are getting rashes or having weird things happen maybe your genetic code is degrading at the speed of light because your genetic pool is as shallow as my sympathy to your situation. go to the doctors and get a cream or put your kid in the stupid class where things can be easier on your little dumb shit child.


Now lets put this faggity baby to bed right now. I support Gay rights and honestly don't see any difference from a gay person from a straight person, well maybe one has a bit better taste in style and has better hair but I don't think we need to go that far.

   So again as usual I'm watching Global national at work and yet again a story is reported that nearly made my eyes bleed and my brain cease functioning. In the states I don't remember which cuz it's not that god damn important, a young man killed himself at university because a roommate of his secretly video taped and posted on the net a video of him having sexual relations with another male. Now in that situation I could see him being pushed to such a thing, not so much because it was another man hell I would probably kill myself if I was videotaped having sex with some girl just cuz its very private and no one but the person I'm with should be able to see that kind of thing. Apparently gay people all over North America are committing suicide more frequently due to prejudice and bullying. Are you fucking kidding me? these kids at a young age someone know for a fact they are gay shit their little balls haven't dropped yet and they know they are gay riiiight. So these gay kids are killing themselves cuz boohoo kids are calling me on being gay... YOU ARE GAY U IDIOT!.

    Celebrities in a desperate attempt to make it look like they give half a fuck about anything other than their self absorbed lives have been making "It gets better" videos where these people say it will get better and life will not hurt so much later. How about give them some useful advice. HOW BOUT YOU MAN THE FUCK UP AND DEAL WITH IT YOU FUCKING PUSSY ASS LOSSER!. god dammit, try going through grade 7 to 12 and life after being called on REAL shit like how ugly you look, or how fat you are or how fat and ugly you are or that you smell like curry or fish or whatever your culture smells like and that you nose is huge and your skin is dry and nasty. That hurts way more than someone sayin oh your gay!..... ouch how will I ever continue living... I'm not saying being called gay isn't a real insult but it's not that god damn hurtful you ARE GAY! accept it and once high-school is done BOOM! do you realize you have gay bar's to yourself you have immediate ability to be in a sitcom on hollywood you probably can dress better than us straight people cuz you actually like fashion and beauty and can be a stylist making more money than a straight grease monkey dork at Mr.Lube.

  What I am trying to get at is I don't feel bad for these kids killing themselves because I never gave a fuck about any teen killing themselves because why the fuck should I care that people are doing this when all they need is to man the fuck up take your insults and grow some thick skin. words cant hurt you and if they do then maybe you should go ahead and jump off a building cuz your not going to find any kind words of comfort from me!.

Friday, September 24, 2010


      A fucked up story like this couldn't even be written by M.Night Shyamalan. A woman in Virginia plotted and hired two hit-man to kill her husband and stepson. She used some of her money and sex to bargain with the two hit-man and one of them even fell in love with her. Now let me say this she is fuck ugly!! I don't know how anyone could have been attracted to her but hey they are white trash so anything is possible. So she gets these hit-man to kill her family now the police discover one of the hit-man who rats out the whole plan and now he and his partner gets life in jail but for masterminding the event the woman gets lethal injection. Here is the Twist, IRAN! of all nations raises shit about America killing this woman saying she is borderline mentally retarded and killing retards is against human rights treaties. This coming from IRAN haha one of the most horrible places to live if you want human rights. The only reason they raised shit by the way is because we stopped them from stoning a woman to death for committing adultery. What's more humain lethal injection or stoning? you do the math and tell me. and no this woman wasn't really retarded she had an IQ of 72 where 70 is the line saying you if they are below that you cannot kill them as punishment. all she had was a learning difficulty not retardation, she knew damn well what she was doing and I'm tired of people getting off cuz now apparently they are retarded or something. Good news is Today she was killed by lethal injection and we can all feel good that one more cunt is off this planet. her last words where something along the lines of if she has to go back home with Jesus so be it. lol sorry bitch if there was a heaven and hell your cunt ass would burn in hell for all eternity. I'm very glad some states still have lethal injection and I hope to god Canada will adopt it too. There are many people that should be dead for their crimes here in Canada. what do you think?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are we evil?

     This isn't one of my usual rants this is an opinion column in regards to Ross Kleman the man who killed a 14 year old Edson girl on September 27th 2008. The girl Emily Stauffer was the daughter of a pastor and a girl who took to the life of christianity. She loved to walk on the wooded trails that are all over Edson. I saw a very interesting video on global where Ross was brought back to the place he ended her short life and retold us all about the events of that day. I will provide a link to the video at the bottom of this page.

    Are people programmed to be evil? are we wired to kill one another or is it something that happens in our mind. After watching the video of Ross explaining what happened gave me a unique and new look on the mind of a killer and what kind of effect such a thing has on people. Ross demonstrated a multitude of emotions in the video ranging from content to sad to extremely upset and aggravated. In my 21 years of life I do think some humans are evil, wether they are born evil or life makes them evil I know their are some hardened people that love the feeling of watching a persons eyes fade of life and watch as death slowly steals the life and soul out of a persons face, people who feel good and only feel good after killing innocent people. But I don't know is Ross is one of those people. He originally came into the woods angry and frustrated at the world and he intended to kill himself with his wire and rope and thats when Emily walked into his area and all his attention, frustration and aggravation manifested into her and not the world. He approached her and gave chase as she tried to run away he grabbed her coat and as she tried to pull it off he knocked her to the ground and struggled with her at which point he pulled out a pocket knife to get her to stop fighting and struggling (His words not mine) when she tried to push his arms away standing at this point his knife was plunged into her neck and he slit her throat and she fell to the ground. Ross at this point snapped back into reality and fear took over (Again his words) he ran away to hide and he couldn't believe what he had done according to him. Emily was alive when found by a passerby and still alive when rescue workers got her to the hospital but sadly she died of blood loss. 

     A story like this usually doesn't effect me and I usually maintain my cold demeanor and look at it logically, people die, people must die and most people don't get to choose how they die so why feel bad for it. Yet this video gave me a closer look at what happened and insight as to what kind of man Ross Kleman is. I honestly do believe that he would have killed himself that day and Emily would still be alive if she had not come across Ross that day. Ross isn't a real murder in my mind, he was sick, confused and was unstable but a murder I don't think is what I would call him. However he has committed this inhumane act and on such an innocent soul and sick or not murderer or not it wont bring Emily back or make her parents feel any better and Ross will deserve his sentence of life in jail not able to be out on parole until he is 65. He is 54 as of now. Maybe in the future there will be some type of organization or preventative program for people like Ross that when they feel such a way that this behavior can be predicted and the people feeling this way can get immediate help while being restrained until doctors can figure out what goes wrong in our brains to make us killers. 

     I do know one thing, humans have always been violent, we have always killed one another in war and in civilian life. Humans wont stop killing each other, its in our nature its in our blood. Until we can control our basic savage instinct we will continue to kill and murder. Even though we are capable of such beautiful things such as works of art music literature and science it means nothing if we cant become a peaceful race. I am proud to call myself Canadian, but i know that I am a citizen of earth and would rather all countries stop drawing imaginary lines in the dirt and just become a global community, oh but I will stop here. This is a hint on my next blog post subject.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Teen sex scandal in Calgary.

      Would you have sex in public during the day with a large group of people watching and taking photos and videos?... apparently there is people who would. The whole story is yet to come out as of yet becuase this incident has only happened 2 days ago. In Calgary a 16 year old boy was arrested for "Sexually assaulting" a 12 year old girl in a field beside her school with a large group of onlookers. Now by Sexually Assaulting I don't mean touching I mean out right sex not dry humping. So some people interviewed that live under a rock and don't see what the youth of today are capable of are shocked and mortified that such a thing happened, right yes the fact it happened with so many witnesses and in the middle of the day in a school yard is what sickens me because well I wouldn't want my kids to see such a thing while at school, but that age of kids having sex does not bother me at all, I was 16 once and I've had some pretty young girlfriends myself. So the main witness to this was a east indian woman who was feeding her baby when she saw this boy ontop of this 12 year old girl, she stared for about 5 minuets and then opened her window filling her ears with the "Screams" of the girl (Possibly of pleasure or could have been terror) She then kept listing and watched apparently confused and shocked about what was happening so she waited and waited to call the police. Finally police were called to the scene and placed the boy under arrest, no charges are pending on the crowd of kids watching this act.

     Now I know most of you I included would feel good that this kid was arrested but as that feeling sunk in I had to ask myself was this wrong? is he the one we should blame? why don't we take a closer look at the 12 year old. The two kids had met on a social networking site previously to this incident and had agreed to meet together on that day for the first time presumably. I sure as hell am not going to take sides in this argument until all the facts are dealt out about what happened by the police because I don't want to make it look like I support rape of 12 year old girls in the middle of the day in public as one could see how that might turn of heads and make me look like the creep haha. Facts yet to be released aside I want to know what your views are on the topic of 12 year olds having sex I assure you yes It happened and yes it happened with much older boys to trust me.

     My personal stand is if you want sex your going to get it there is no shortage of horny guys out there and girls are dressing more and more sexual and slutty to get attention and to experience their sexual side at a much younger age. Don't pretend you didn't know things like that went on in todays society. If you saw this incident happening around you even if you were the only one out of a group of 20 watching this would you do anything to stop it? and do you think that parents arn't doing enough to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen? I blame the parents more than the 16 year old boy or girl. Leave a comment and I will reply as soon as possible. Thanks for reading.

Friday, August 27, 2010


      Fuck that cat that got put in a trash can in England by that old lady. That was funny as shit I don't care what you say. Anyway now that I have that out in the open I have a question for all of you. No doubt you have all lost a family member or friend in your lifetime, if not yet? well its gunna happen pretty soon then you can't escape it. So after said loved one has passed on now comes the funeral for this person whom you may have cared for dearly or maybe not so much either way you will always hear this remark made by someone maybe even yourself. "I'm sure he/she is up there now happy and with god." Have you ever once stopped and said hey? wait a minute yes it's very sad he/she is passed away and if I could I would change that fact so they could go on living but really they were an asshole! or mean or someway just not heaven material. Why is it when everyone dies they always go to heaven. You never hear a priest talk about how this person due to sins in his life and what not is now burning in the rings of hell. They could have been real pricks in their life but now we are saying they get into heaven. As an Atheist I personally don't give a shit where I end up or if there is a place to end up when my life is over I'm just glad I don't belong to a religion that's full of lies and has murdered hundreds of thousands of people over the course of history. (FYI if your wondering what religion that is its every religion every made) I'm wondering on what are your thoughts on death and do you think every person personal feelings aside go to heaven or not? and tell me what your religion dictates about death if it differs from the main stream heaven hell racket. Yes I will and plan to make fun of every religion but I do not insult my fans or anyone who leaves a comment that's a dick move and I aint no dick. I'm an asshole and their is a difference lol.

[Another FrostFox Production]

...Now where did I put my cigarettes?

Scare tactics

           As we all know since World War 1 the military might of Canada has worn out. Back in the first world war the Canadian forces made the enemy fear us and make them nervous. Now in the year 2010 times have changed money for our military has decreased and we have a small but very well trained military with out of date equipment. The CF-18 super hornet is a multi role aircraft with both air to air capabilities and air to ground. Meaning this bad ass mother fucker can shoot down a flight of bombers and escorts and then plow through tanks that parachuted down on our soil to occupy our land. Now the Americans want us and other coalition country's to buy fleets of the newer F-35 Lightning 2. This plain don't get me wrong is even more bad ass!, this thing has stealth technology and is also a multi role fighter so it can take out air targets and ground but the one thing this aircraft has that makes it far better than the CF-18, is VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) You can hide these jets in dense forest areas up north and they are hidden from radar and missile guided systems. You wait for the enemy to approach and launch a counter attack from below.

This all being said I believe that the Canadian military or possibly the American military is pushing to convince the people of Canada to vote and feel good about paying into the tenths of billions for these jets. As the prime minister is in the north for publicity and relations it just so happens a Russian bomber flight attempts to jump our borders as a show of force? that's a little suspicious. They have done this a couple times now in the last years to making it seem like we could be in danger and as awesome as CF-18's are they may not be able to stand up to the Russians MiG-29's - 31's and the SU-27 a very effective air superiority fighter. I think we should have bought the F-22 Raptor and paired with the CF-18 it would be a very good mix. I just hate to think that the same scare tactics that have been used to force public opinion is wrong even if it is for the better. Pearl harbour, incident the Americans knew would happen and knew would get them into the war if they let it happen. 9/11 weather real terrorists able to do this or American military cover up they knew it was going to happen and would justify 2 things. Invade Iraq and get more control over the American people by taking away their rights and have the people of American vote for that. Vietnam as well. Reports said an American shit was sunk off the coast of south Korea or north (Not Sure) then the American people supported the war. I hate being a sheep and you should to.

A) Russian SU-27
B) American F-22 Raptor
C) CF-18 Hornet
D) CF-35

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome to Alberta and Canada, China.

    China is now letting it's citizens come to Canada! On global yesterday they reported a large group of high ranking dignitaries came to visit Alberta to see our country and promote tourism to Canada from their country. Apparently it wasn't easy or cheap for Chinese nationals to come vacation in Canada due to their country's tight borders and regulations. I personally think it's amazing and wonderful to have a large influx of Chinese to our great province to see our mountains, cites and prairies. For one thing it will be great in later years to see more Chinese people moving here to combat the insane east Indian population in mill-woods especially. When I was in elementary my school was half Asian n half white. Now there are almost no whites or Asians it's all east Indians. For Chinese people they don't have many lakes or mountains like we do or crisp clean air so when they get here to live or vacation it's a real treat for them to experience such vast beauty. Not to mention this is a great step towards better relations to china. China is fast becoming number one on global economy strength and as we become closer friends it will be great to share our resources and wealth. Not to mention Chinese n Japanese culture is something a western nation needs to incorporate.

What do you guys think of this new partnership with china? Good or bad. Next topic will be Iran and nuclear power. Now they have opened their first nuclear plant could be good could be bad we shall see. Oh and plz read my first comment too. It illiterates on the east Indian epidemic.
[Another FrostFox Production.]

...Now where did I put my cigarettes?