Peanut butter jelly. You raciest fuck!
It's bullshit and here is why:
Okay so I'm going to take the loaded .45 out of my mouth and explain this new PC (Politically Correct) crazed Portland Public School District member and his wacko view on how a PB&J sandwich is racist. His name is Matt Shelby and he thinks that teachers in the Portland Oregon area should not use PB&J as a metaphor to assist kids in learning new topics. Now you might be saying well how often do teachers in fact use PB&J as a metaphor in teaching things, well I assume in all of North America it's used very seldom but obviously its used enough in Portland Oregon that this is now an issue.
So according to Matt he and the PC culture think that using subjects that not all students may be aware of makes them feel left out or excluded... That's OK folks take a moment and try to process that...... I KNOW IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID YOUR MIND CAN'T EVEN RETAIN IT, CAN IT!. so Matt says that 50% of the student population in the school district is white while the other 50% is made up of black's, Jew's, Asian's, and muslims and these minorities may not have experienced the delicious and epic taste of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and will cry and slit their wrists or in the Muslim's case explode (HAHA I JOKE). What in the hell is this guy smoking? it's just a type of sandwich very common here in this country and if you haven't had one yet because maybe you have come from a culture that doesn't use that specific type of ingredient mixture FUCKIN EAT A GOD DAMN PB&J FUCKING SANDWICH. You will either like it or hate it either way just in the context of how a teacher would use the metaphor any kid with a handful of functioning brain cells can determine that the PB&J must be a popular and tasty sandwich that the country he is living in enjoy's and that maybe just maybe he can now open his taste buds to a new type of gastric experience.
Look here I will use me as an example. From what I hear in Great Britain Nutella is the shit. People go ape shit for it and they put it on a ton of things a North American like me wouldn't think of. Now do I feel excluded or sad that these people are singling me out because I've never tried this I believe to be tasty substance? NO! I think to myself well if so many people like it maybe I should try it sometime and see for myself and that's it. Thought gone and its back to more important shit in life... like avoiding walking the hall's of my local grocery store with a loaded M4 pumping round after round into the stupid people Darwin is unable to get rid of thanks to parents putting plastic plug covers over electrical outlets and blind curtain strings that wont strangle some dumb ass kid or putting warning hot coffee on coffee cups at your local coffee shop cuz go figure fresh coffee is FUCKIN HOT!.... 1...2...3.... Ok I'm back, sorry I kinda got off on a rant there, well what do you expect this is a rant/humor collum not the huffington post don't judge me. Anyway folks thanks again for reading another post and I hope you will join me in a GIGANTIC THUMBS DOWN to Matt Shelby and his stupid face... I assume it's stupid to match his views.
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