
Friday, October 19, 2012


Amanda Todd.... What a horrible story about teen suicide that is so preventable. All this girl needed was ONE, just one person to talk to. This girl felt so alone, walking crowded halls in a busy school, walking home in a busy street, strolling through a mall with thousands of people yet still alone. It is an awful feeling to be surrounded by people and feel alone. The crushing weight of nothingness is so immense you feel your entire world could collapse with the littlest poke. You're young and in the information age, with a few key strokes and a mouse click you can talk to people around the world. Ask almighty google thing's like (can dog's really look up?) (If you keep your eye's crossed do they really stay that way?) (How many golden strands of beautiful hair adorn Justin Biebers head?)... or whatever teen girls ask google. I know first hand what she felt like because just like 90% of kids that went to school, yea it sucked fucking balls. It got bad, it gets worse, you feel like there is only one way out. then someone you know say's is something wrong? That one statement makes you look up, you can't believe someone just asked you if YOU were doing ok, whether they were sincere or not doesn't matter this person saw the hurt inside you and stopped to ask you what was wrong. In true honesty when I had Amanda Todd moments I give all the credit to my brother. He took the time to see something was wrong even if at the time we were mortal enemies who never got along for more than a few hours. He sat and listened to my issues however trivial and it's not so much what he said its the fact he listened. I wasn't alone someone had included me in their thoughts in a positive way and offered kind words, sincere kind words and maybe you didn't feel better right away, but after the tears dried up the thoughts of ending your worthless pathetic life went away, the kind words would sink in over time and provide a shield for you to hold up when people spat venom at you. One person makes all the difference One person can save a life. 

Amanda Todd Born November 27th 1996-October 10th 2012

Amanda Todd is an idiot and so is everyone who uses her as an example of bullying. I have been trying my best to explain to people why I have little to no sympathy for stupid people who kill themselves. Life is not a gift life is not a right, life is what it is, life. it's called Social Darwinism people the strong and capable survive the weak and pathetic either deal with it or die. Amanda Todd couldn't make a single friend, why? because she makes stupid fucking mistakes, one after another after another and it was her own god damn fault so don't pray off my fucking feeling and tell me I should feel bad because someone makes shitty life choices and now can't deal with people making her public enemy number one. Don't you dare use her as some kind of symbol to idolise or put her up on some pedestal like she was some innocent victim of the cruel world and bullies. I have to now hear all these bleeding heart anti bullying people cry and bitch and whine about how we need to stop bullying  We can't ever stop bullying its what kids fucking do! there is no way humanly possible to stop kids from bullying one another and I would hate to live in that world and anyone who has a fucking rational brain would hate it to. bullying no matter how horrible it can be is a life skill people need to learn how to deal with. In school's nobody loses at a soccer game or hockey both teams win because losing makes them feel bad and god forbid we have kids feel bad because they fucking suck at sports. THEY NEED IT! billy needs to know that he lost the game because he couldn't pass a ball or puck because billy will now try harder to succeed, he wants to win the medal and win the praise of his peers and parents if you take that away and everyone wins well holy fuck just imagine what will happen when he is 20 and his boss says get your shit and get out of my office you're fired. How is he gunna handle that when all his life he never lost. He was never picked on so now he has no thick skin. Life is cruel people and the sooner you learn that and get a helmet the better you are going to be. You know being a victim of bullying for... well fuck all my school life there is one term and only one that anyone who is bullied needs to remember (Haters gunna Hate) you can't please everyone and you shouldn't fucking try, some people are just gunna hate you because they can. trick is to learn how to deal with it. Amanda Todd couldn't deal with it and she offed herself like a stupid asshole. i'm not going to feel bad for her. She was a god damn hot girl with great looks, looks thousand of self conscious ugly girls in school alive today wish they had her looks so they wouldn't be make fun of or feel like they are not welcome. Below is a link to the ( Amazing Atheist ) who has a great video one Amanda Todd and provides a rational and logical look at this whole issue as he usually....sometimes does.



  1. If she were your daughter, I doubt you would be writing these things... hypocrite

    1. if she was MY daughter, I'd send her to get help, and if she still did that shit and killed herself, No, I wouldn't feel bad, just like how my gran doesn't feel bad that my dad could be dead for all we know.

      She made decisions, couldn't deal with the outcomes, and chose to die instead. I feel bad for the person she could have frown up to be, and her family, but not her

    2. If that boy killed himself for being ugly that's horrible and should be paid attention to. Amanda is dead, and the fact the world pays attention to her isn't her fault. Meanwhile, the reason her case is so popular is because of the involvement of the internet in this new computer age. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with boobs. As for the boyfriend she slept with, I also personally don't see anything wrong with sex. That boyfriend was taken and he should've never slept with Amanda and she had that coming if she knew. Her mental state wasn't the best though. I know drama like this happens in my school all the time. What she didn't deserve was the widespread hatred. That widespread hatred is disgusting. It's easy to spread with just a click of a button from people who don't even know you. If that's where natural selection is going we need to reevaluate our human compassion. Everyone has made mistakes in their life. I don't care who you are, meanwhile usually they die over time. Something that happens and it passes. For her, it followed her everywhere she went and she found that she didn't have a friend in the world. If that's natural selection, I still feel bad for her. I'm glad she's so widely known. We need more of these stories to come out and spread awareness. No one should be forgotten.

  2. i find this terrible who would say this about her and ditto to the first comment

  3. whoever wrote this shit about life and loses and wins, well, you re the one that doesn't give a shit! don't feel like a master of life, you don't know anything about that. and you should not be the right asshole to judge them!

  4. you don't have respect . i really want to see you in a situation like theirs.

  5. Both cases picture above are sad. Bullying is horrible, you speak of her "relationship" with someone who was already involved and imply that this somehow justifies the bullying. Why then, was no one bullying the cheater? Bullies are sad and pathetic. Whether they can rationalize it due to something the other person may have done does not JUSTIFY the behavior. It is sad when it happens to anyone.

  6. Amanda Todd is the perfect example of the sensationalist media we have today. Suicide is horrible, she didn't DESERVE to die, but she did die. Lets move on and ignore her like the rest of the teens that commit suicide due to bullying.

  7. Who's the guy in the picture, the other sucide victim?

  8. You know... there is a problem with this, if she was ignored you would rant about her not being noticed...BUT, scence she was noticed you rant. Either way your a jerk.

  9. Maybe that wasn't clever, that she killed herself, but U r fuxxing brainless for writing stuff like that! How can you talk about dead people like that? Imagine your mother dies and somebody comes and dances and pisses on her grave (same shit, really) People make mistakes U cunt, nobody is perfect, even you r not, because you write such bullshit! AND there is a way to stop kids from bullying, just fuxxing start to raise your children up normally, why have I never bullied someone and always tried to defend the people? Because I have excellent parents, who raised me that way!! Your children will bully other people because you don't give shit about other people and will raise your children this way! It's easy to say "oh we can't stop it!" but that's as weak as to go and to kill yourself, because you don't even think about possibilities and other ways out of certain situations, that's also giving up! So stop being such an ass!! Everybody makes mistakes, but if you are intelligent enough, then you will help the person that made a mistake and not try to make it more awful!!!

    1. Hey, I heard of this thing called "Proper Grammar".

  10. I completely agree with you! Nobody should have Amanda Todd as their hero but she is the farthest thing fro a hero, she is something I would want to try NOT to be

    1. I don't think she wanted to be anybody's hero. She was 16 for God' sake, have you no heart? And honestly what I would want to try NOT to be is one of the people who pushed her to kill herself, or the friends who abandoned her, or the people who wrote shit on her facebook page after she tried to kill herself. You mustn't be any older than she was otherwise you wouldn't talk like this. You're probably the classic "American prom queen" kind of girls, who has everyone at her feet, who rules the school (or used to depending on how old you are) and knows nothing about public humiliation, isolation and pain. Either that or you're just heartless and brainless. No one wants to die at 16, if someone gets to the point of killing herself is because whatever is wrong in her life it's gone too far. And for Amanda it had indeed.
      So she showed her breasts at someone, it was silly no doubt, but She didn't hurt anyone. The people she was surrounded by were mean and heartless and so are you. If one of your friends did what she did, would YOU insult her and turn your back at her while the whole society isolates her? And would you keep insulting her even after she falls into depression, drugs abuse and start hurting herself physically? Do you realize She was publically humiliated and physically assaulted for years for doing something silly! She didn't kill herself because she couldn’t cope with the guilt of doing what she did, or because her parents grounded her, she killed herself because other people couldn’t let go of it and she realized that they would never have. She was a child and she was having fun!! she thought it was harmless and it would've been if that JERK hadn't blackmailed her and made her life a living nightmare!!Not even killers or pedophiles get the treatment she received, and in my opinion they would deserve it more than she did!!! Do you know how many girls chat with strangers on the internet and show themselves on web cam? Do all of them deserve to be called names and harassed like she was? Do they all deserve to be put in the position of killing themselves?? Had those people who scolded her stopped their abuse after the first time she tried to kill herself, then she probably would've realized that it could've gotten better with time. If only her friends had shown her a little support, maybe she would still be alive. But because of people like you a little girl is no longer alive. And I don't want to make a saint out of her or put her on a pedestal. She was no hero for sure. But she didn't deserve this. I have no idea how old you are, we all made mistakes, especially when we were young, but we all were given the chance to put amend to them. If you think showing her breasts over the internet is the worst a girl could do, allow me to introduce you into the real world, where people drive under the effect of drugs and kill innocent people, or where children are abused in their own houses, where there are guys who find pleasure in raping helpless women. And where are people who don't stop bullying a little girl even after she tried to kill herself!! If things had gone differently Amanda one day would've thought about those pictures and she would have felt a little ashamed and probably a little amused by that mistake of youth.

    2. I live in a very small town and I've seen little girls literally giving themselves away to any guy, or getting wasted at 14 AND give it away to the first gay they met, or get pregnant without even knowing who's baby that is! All those girls will one day realize how stupid and dangerous their behavior is and either cut it out or end up really bad, either way they will be given another chance, because they are not being constantly humiliated and bullied. And don't tell me that she was a whore because she slept with another girls' boyfriend, if you think every person who sleep with someone else's partner should receive that treatment go ahead, and start humiliating EVRY GIRL who cheats have fun bullying basically HALF of the American/Canadian kids.
      Think to yourself if among the things you've done in your life there's something stupid and a bit shameful, something regret, and that you've probably already put behind your back, now imagine people finding out and never let go of it. How would you feel!??! It's pretty clear you have never had any trouble with bullies or public humiliation, and I'm actually happy for you, because I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Maybe when you have a daughter of your own, you'll understand. Until then, please give her a break, she’s dead … somebody’s little girl hanged herself , someone’s life has been ruined because of people’s malignity. Those parents will never have their little girl back. And they will always face the mean things other people think or say of their daughter. People couldn’t stop humiliating her when she was alive, the least we can do is stop insulting her now that she’s dead.

    3. I think what your saying is great...

  11. She was just a kid.She had only lived a small portion of her life and wasn't able to see past it. The mistakes she made, I must agree, were partly her fault. BUT, WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES. We learn from them and they eventually turn us into better individuals. If a girl did the exact same thing as she did but was not bullied, you bet your ass she would be alive and probably a better person right now because she learned her lesson. Amanda wasn't able to do that. She's gone. Gone forever. Maybe her problems weren't as "important" as someone else's who had committed suicide, but the point of her campaign and people's support, is that they want to stop bullying. Her voice speaks for the thousands of kids who have killed themselves over the past years because of physical and emotional pain. Her video has brought light to the issue of bullying and we should thank her. Her video might have stopped teens from committing suicide or allowed bullies to rethink their decisions.
    She deserves to have an apology from people who had hurt her; anyone who has died because of bullying does.

    1. Her problems weren't as "important" as someone else's? Being blackmailed and forced to show herself naked, being bullied, humiliated, hisolated, physically and psychologically hurt isn't important? What other "more important" reasons lead to suicide?
      Humiliation, lack of self-esteem, bullysm, public assaults are the basis to most of the suicides. What leads people to kill themselves is thinking that there is no way out, the main problem is having no hope or strength to deal with whatever is going on, or having no one to help you and support you.

      Kids from 13-20 go through a pretty hard time and too many of them are victims of bullysm, too many of them engage in bad habits such as alchool and drugs just in order to "fit in" and not be called "loosers" or outcasts.
      That's the problem with bullysm , most of the kids at that age are psychologically weak, and bullies uses that weakness to break them. Amanda did what she did and it was a pretty stupid thing to do, or at least it is something I wouldn't have done, but that's not the reason she died. So we should go pass what she did, and look at what they did to her! Because the main difference is that SHE DIDN'T HURT ANYONE, while all those people with their insults and persecution, KILLED HER!!

      (I don't mean to attack you, I understand what you were saying and I agree to most of it, but I just wanted to point this out).

    2. she WASN'T forced to show herself naked. Nobody held her gun point.
      She CHOSE to show herself naked, MULTIPLE TIMES.
      She CHOSE to show herself mastribating on camera.
      She was bullied for her CHOICES, not things she couldn't control like her looks or money. She was bullied for things she did herself, of her own free will.

      She CHOSE to sleep around.

      Suicide is NOT okay, black mail is NOT okay, but this girl earned no respect. She made bad choices and couldn't deal with the outcome. She CHOSE to kill herself over it.

      She. Killed. herself. nobody else.

      She was old enough to know what she was doing was wrong. She stated so in her youtube video, yet continued to do it even after posting the video. Unless she was mentally unstable, which there was no proof of, she did it to herself.

    3. The guy texting her said that she had to show him or he would basically hunt her down:

  12. I pay her my respect but it was clearly preventable... the Picture of her and the "ugly" kid proves a point... we have over sensationalized things... Don't think of her suicide any more important than any other... think of the total dont pull out specific ones.

    1. you're right it was preventable by stopping that stupid persecution they had put up against her; by giving her a break and move on!! Instead of continuing with insults and attacks.

      Her suicide is no more important than any other suicides, a suicide is what it is, it is a person (in this case a 16 yo girl) who deliberately takes his/her own life , someone who decides that there is nothing left to fight for.

      They are not making a case out of her story because she was good looking, this is stupid! And te fact that the other kid wasn't good looking doens't proove anything. It only proves what I arleady said, that bullies uses people's weakness to break them. Amanda's weakness was a (so called) "mistake" she made , and the other kid's weakness was his looks.

      There aren't "more important" suicides. There aren't good reasons to take one's own life.
      There aren't good reason to die full stop.

      I had never heard of any of these two kids before last week. I only came to know her story because a similar thing is happening near where I leave and while talking to other people Amanda's story came out. So I don't think they are making a saint out of her. But the truth is she didn't deserve to be treated like this.
      And saying that she "brought it upon herself" because she showed herself naked is stupid and mean. There are actual prostitues who give themselves away on the street, but I don't think any of you think they should die for this.

      The world is full of hypocrits who can't recognize their own flaws and mistakes. Amanda wasn't the perfect girl, maybe if I had known her I wouldn't have even liked her. Either way she was just a kid and she deserved more. Where I live a couple of 16 yo kids , a boy and a girl, killed the girl's mother and brother, without a real reason or anythinh, they just argued a lot and the girl coudln't stand her mother anymore.
      They got 30 years but after 10 years they are already out, he's got a job, is engaged to another girl, and they're planning on having kids. They were given a second chance (not saying wether I think they deserved it or not) just saying that they were given a second chance and I think what they did was way worse than what amanda did, but they weren't persecuted and they're still alive.
      My point: a couple of murderers gets a second chance to repair their mistake and are free to build a new life, while a young girl who shows her breasts to someone on the internet is persecuted for years to the point that she has to take her own life.

      Bullysm is always bad, wether it is on good looking people or not.
      If no one "cared" about the other kid is not Amanda's fault, and people have no rights to say that she brought this upon herself while the other kid had good reasons to kill himself.

      It's a stupid way of thinking.

      Sorry if I wrote a lot. I have nothing against you personally. I just don't think that this picture proves anythin!! Other than the fact that the world is full of evil people, and that bullysm is way worse than we imagine!!

  13. I fuckin' hate this shit. Whoever created this is a fuckin' assbag!

  14. I think that everyone is sad even if they don't admit it. Yes bullying is bad. It's the worst thing on our planet if you ask me. Amanda Todd was a girl who screwed up once got tangled with a pedo and couldn't shake him off. She was a girl who lost her virginity. Heads up, most girls on the planet lose their virginity. And if you honestly think that no other girl has ever slept with a man who is in a relationship you need to get your head out of your ass. Any form of bullying is beyond horrible. The thing I want most right now is for the pictures making fun of her to go away. I want her picture that started this to be deleted off of the internet( yes I am aware that that won't happen) I want the man who did this to her to be caught. I want everyone who turned their back on her to know, you did this to her. You are no better then any other human being on this earth. That's my rant for the night. Rip Amanda Todd <3 Your an Angel

  15. Interesting perspective. Bullying has been around for as long as I can remember. It is a fact of life. It saddens me that people thing suicide is the only option, it is not. However, Amanda Todd made the conscious decision to talk to strangers on the internet, expose herself to one of these strangers, and then meet up with him for sex. Behavior starts at home. If teenagers cannot understand the dangers of the internet, then they have reason being on it. Amanda took on the responsibility of the outcome based on her actions. She put herself in a bad situation, allowed someone to take advantage of her, and she suffered the consequences of her actions. There is a reason why people say be careful of what you do on the internet. Again, sorry that she died, but she brought it on herself.

  16. A little hateful and over the top. But true. Very true. I was bullied now and again. But I conquered them all (with my fists). But not everyone can do that. And not everyone is smart enough to prevent themselves from getting into trouble. Sure, Amanda Todd was stupid. But she didn't deserve to die. But she couldn't live with the consequences of her actions so she killed herself. Incredibly lame yes. But to the author, not everyone has a persevering spirit. Some are fragile, gullible and stupid. Like Amanda. She wouldn't have survived in this cruel world. Be lucky you did.

  17. Watch out "Frosty",... A cold heart like yours has already killled and injured many other lives.
    YOU ARE A F.... IDIOT.

  18. You make some good points and some not so good points. I think the picture of her and the "ugly guy" tells the entire story of life right there. I don't think it's fair to just tell everyone who's been victimized to simply "get over it" because some people TRULY do everything in their power (and I mean everything) to make life better (socially & romantically is what I'm targeting here)

    "Good. They should feel bad for sucking at sports." - That shit was just stupid because now you're not thinking. What if there's a problem? "He has little to no coordination - he should get picked on for it." (-_-)

    Anyway, I understand that people need to toughen up, but it's important to also understand that it's not as simple as that.

    Amanda Todd - well good fucking riddance. I don't feel sorry for her, I never will, she brought it upon herself. HOWEVER, as for the others; people who DON'T bring it upon themselves, and those who actually constantly battle to fix the problems at hand (like me, yeah I admit it so what - at least I'll never just sit back and use autism or my underdeveloped body as an excuse not to keep trying even though attempts seem more feeble every day) - what about them?

    Like the picture from before with the ugly guy conveyed, it's BULLSHIT! Which is why, again, I point everyone back to that picture. The ugly guy I feel sorry for because he didn't bring that upon himself. HER on the other hand, "wah I'm lonely" - but I bet if a guy like him wanted anything to do with her, she'd have no piece of it.

    How do I know that? Simple. If she was good enough not to do so then she wouldn't have been so goddamn 'lonely'. She had no excuse. Small bit of logic would tell anyone with a brain that she was just egotistic, and anyone who's truly down to earth and doesn't have their head up their ass would just see her as the attention-seeking egotistic whore she was - and a stupid one at that.

    So to wrap it up - the people who don't bring it upon themselves; leave em alone. As for her - honestly I'm glad she's dead and I wish I could have been the one to push her ass over the edge.

  19. It doesn't make people stupid because she killed herself, she made a mistake she regretted, not like she did it again was it?? I'm currently in suicidal right now and what? You're going to call me a stupid asshole too when I throw my life away (if I do)?? She was going through a living hell and you give her this?? She's obviously going to be truly glad she even commited suicide if she saw this!! I can't believe I was even reading that!!

    1. only, after posting her youtube video, she DID DO IT AGAIN.

      She was bullied for mastrabating and showing her body online. While i wouldn't bully her, she did it of her own free will, she should have dealt with the outcome.

      She chose to sleep with a taken boy, her 'bullies' from that were calling her out on it, not bullying.

      Everything that happened, happened by her own hand, by her own choices. She was only suicidal cause she wasn't mature enough to deal with the outcome.

      She is as much to blame as the blackmailer. She was old enough to know better.

      She MADE her living hell.

      What about you? Why are you suicidal?

      And before you say I don't know what I'm talking about, I DO.

      I was suicidal. My life was hell, but unlike Amanda, I DIDN'T MAKE IT THAT WAY.

      My mom was a prostitute, a well known fact in out area. I was bullied for it.

      Both my parents were druggies, also a well known fact.

      I was molested, but my parents never told me it was bad, nor what it even was.

      I was made fun of for being in foster care. THE KIDS PARENTS TOLD THEM TO DO IT.

      My foster parents locked me in a bed room on weekends.

      They fed me and the other children poison.

      I was suicidal.

      Again, I didn't make my life like that. BUT AMANDA MADE HERS THE WAY IT WAS.

      We can't sit there and ignore her bad choices, which started this whole thing.

      And her family isn't even being held accountable. Where were they the whole time?

      She had a hand in her own demise.

  20. Wtf is wrong with you people!!! Nobody has any right to kill any person!!! Whether they brought it on themselves or not!! She was fucking lonely and nobody for her!! and you people (the bad guys) are telling that you wish you were the one to push her over!! you think she wanted fucking attention!?!?! Everyone has equal rights to live!! that is why they were born!!! everything even a fucking germ has its right to live!! I'm not gonna give advice or any fucking crap on her bc I don't know anything about life! no one does!! no matter how much experience you have!! she made 2 mistakes! 2 fucking mistakes! is that a big deal!! give her a fucking chance!! What makes you think people don't care about the other thousands of people who committed suicide!! huh?!?! suicide from ugliness! well first of all, natural appearance bullying can be dealt with by yourself if you try to! If he (the guy in the picture above) had thought of it, he could've laughed at his bullies, leave them stunned and don't give a shit about the world, live independantly and not try to fit in!! It's good to be different!! Amanda's problem can't be dealt with easily! Changing cities didn't even work! what do you think she can do with herself, ignore the others like I said. well, apparently NOOO she can't, she'll be labelled as arrogant, bullied more and at the worst be murdered. SO it's either suicide...or murder...there ain't any escape for her you assholes!! I'm not saying I don't respect the other people who were bullied for physical appearance,all I'm saying is that no one deserves being bullied and no one deserves to die! but people like you, you ILL WISHERS, deserve to experience every single pain people like Amanda have gone through. Experience every single pain and guilt to the core!!! And I'm not saying I feel sorry for them. They've long since died, there's nothing I can do about that. Just respect these people!! At least, after death. don't say fucking rude things like "she/he deserved it". When a person ends their life is completely their decision...but telling them they deserved it...LET THEM FUCKING REST AFTER DEATH!!! ugh.

    People like you are fucking pathetic, it grosses me out.
    People like you are the ones that can qualify to be murderes...and every single on of them who said she deserved to die
    Just wait...It'll get back at you.......

    Not that I know anything 'bout how life works...just saying that each and everyone of you who disrespected her are gonna either regret it or die in fucking bad way..
    It's gonna get back at them...I'm sure of that...just sure of that

  21. Those of you who still insult her even after her death are going to hell! Dude why are exaggerating that she is an idiot and stupid for killing herself. HELLO she was desppressed and feel like that she's nothing more than just a "Bully Doll"!!!Ok so id she disposed her breast she was young and didn't really understand what she was doing. Even if she did know it was wrong it still doesnt give you a reason to say shit nasty about her.

    1. only, after posting her youtube video, she DID DO IT AGAIN.

      She was bullied for mastrabating and showing her body online. While i wouldn't bully her, she did it of her own free will, she should have dealt with the outcome.

      She chose to sleep with a taken boy, her 'bullies' from that were calling her out on it, not bullying.

      Everything that happened, happened by her own hand, by her own choices. She was only suicidal cause she wasn't mature enough to deal with the outcome.

      She is as much to blame as the blackmailer. She was old enough to know better.

      She MADE her living hell.

      What about you? Why are you suicidal?

      And before you say I don't know what I'm talking about, I DO.

      I was suicidal. My life was hell, but unlike Amanda, I DIDN'T MAKE IT THAT WAY.

      My mom was a prostitute, a well known fact in out area. I was bullied for it.

      Both my parents were druggies, also a well known fact.

      I was molested, but my parents never told me it was bad, nor what it even was.

      I was made fun of for being in foster care. THE KIDS PARENTS TOLD THEM TO DO IT.

      My foster parents locked me in a bed room on weekends.

      They fed me and the other children poison.

      I was suicidal.

      Again, I didn't make my life like that. BUT AMANDA MADE HERS THE WAY IT WAS.

      We can't sit there and ignore her bad choices, which started this whole thing.

      And her family isn't even being held accountable. Where were they the whole time?

      She had a hand in her own demise.

      And if I'm going to hell for stating a FACT, then fine, so be it.

    2. Isn't it the responsibility of society to give her the space to mature and grow into a woman instead of dying a young girl?

      You've obviously been through some bad shit but you should know that you were mistreated. What your parents did was wrong and inexcusable and the fact that you're alive to tell the tale shows you were strong enough to endure their abuse. I was also abused but in an almost opposite situation. My earliest memories are of my father beating me, and my mother when she intervened. My father is well-respected by society and though he drove me to almost tackle him off a cliff at age 14 his abuse was never made public. Now at age 19 no one who knows him will believe what happened. I have PTSD flashbacks occasionally but I've made a conscious effort to overcome my childhood. I'm dealing with it fine now and am far less depressed but that is after attempting suicide 3 times(hanging, asphyxiation & overdosing on opiates + alcohol + phenibut), being bullied everyday in school for my anxiety, abusing on my pets as a young boy to cope with being abused, being kicked out of home and abusing psychedelics & hard drugs since age 14.

      Life is tough and only the strong survive oppression but no one deserves to be oppressed.

  22. 1st You knew nothing about her life and what she went through just because you read it on the Internet

    2nd You had your brother. Imagine you didn't and things had gone worse for you and you ended up dead?

    Why do you think you know so much about her and say "one person can change it all" and then you have this attitude? Do you want attention?

    It's horrible. That God may forgive you

  23. You had your way of dealing with problems she had her's
    Don't blame her for this ending
    We are all diferent, we don't think and react the same way

    You should be grateful that you were able to manage your life

    Amanda wasn't.

  24. She made 2 little mistakes, I knew her, she didn't deserve this, I so what if she slept with another girls boyfriend, she was led on, it's happened to me, let her rest in peace. She was a sweet, fun loving girl. She tried to escape, but even moving cities didn"t help. Just leave her alone, no one should have to go through what she did.

  25. I wish she had found me online because Amanda Todd was born the same month,day & year as me(November 27th 1996).

    Ultimate Programming Tutorials

  26. What u wrote is more than ridiculous.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I agree that bullying is necessary but it's necessary to overcome not to endure. When I was 16 I finally realised how retarded everyone is, that it was stupid for me to care what others thought because everything I am I was given, born into and had no control over. Since then I've self-developed into the person I want to be and am no longer controlled by peer pressure & group stigma. I can now question everything even the unquestionable and usually figure out what people have stuck up their bungholes.

    I could have realised this at a younger age if I hadn't had an abusive father and co-dependent mother. But this isn't important. Figuring something out is the result not the goal and it doesn't matter when you figure it out only that you did figure it out.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. She was an idiot. No one else caused her suicide. She acted like a whore and it back lashed. Then she bitched about it. Oh so sad.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I have several opinions on Amanda Todd's situation. First, if someone is bullied for reasons that they can't help (race, weight, looks, etc), then that bullying is WRONG and should never happen! Those bulliers should be punished. But if the person who gets bullied brings the bullying upon themselves by stupidly doing something that they KNOW is wrong and continuing to do it, then they are bringing the bullying upon themselves and the bullying is clearly justified. That (in my opinion) is the case with Amanda Todd. She did things that she knew to be wrong AND continued to do them, thereby bringing the bullying on herself even more! So when it comes to the bullying, she got what she deserved! But I would even go so far as to say that she didn't even get as much as she should have gotten. Secondly, NO ONE deserves to die! So I would definitely say that she didn't deserve to die under normal conditions. BUT...she CHOSE to kill herself! So, because of that important fact, I have no sympathy for her. True, she didn't deserve to die under any circumstances, but she chose to do it to herself, so she doesn't deserve sympathy from anyone. Sometimes there are just bad people of any age in the world who bring bad karma to themselves. Amanda Todd was one of those. She was a bad teen who did bad things, who deserved the bullying she got, and who then chose not to handle it well at all. She doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy. Good riddance to a bad teenage girl!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I agree, she did it to herself,

  35. I agree, she did it to herself,

  36. Preach reality till the dawn of realisation my friend. Some people are content to wrap their eyes in infatuations of equality, but we know the world doesn't work that way.

  37. Didn't read the article, was just looking for the first picture with the comparison. Excellent photo.

  38. Amanda Todd was a stupid, idiotic waste of a teen girl! What she did was her own fault from start to finish. She was old enough to know better and still did the bad things. And then she took the coward's way out by suicide. She doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy and won't get any from me. Bullying for something that the person knew better than to do isn't always a negative thing. In Amanda's case, she got EXACTLY the bullying that she deserved! I don't blame her classmates for the bullying they gave her; SHE DESERVED IT! And they did a great job of it! I don't mourn Amanda Todd in the least! My opinion: GOOD RIDDANCE to a bad teen! In the end, she did the world a favor! Kudos to her bulliers! I would have been right there with you!

  39. guys...
    chill and think about it
    the memes says it all

    if killing yourself while making a big deal about it causes you to be a good person....

    wouldn't hitler be in the same case? (no,no he won't. amanda todd killed herself and we did feel bad,but don't make her this holy angel of bullying victim,its unfair to the other bully victim at best,and highly disrespectful of all other victim at worst.)

  40. Only mistakes,huh? 2 little mistakes? If she'd murder someone,would that be also an mistake since she's a child? 14 yr old and don't think brave enough? I'm currently 14,and I know that some pornographic bullshit shouldn't be post on internet by underaged children.
